8 Ways To Generate More Enquiries Through Your Website

It’s a tale as old as the internet itself, your website looks great, you’ve ensured it’s filled with great content and that it’s always current, in fact, you’d go as far as saying that it blows your competitors website right out the water – how and ever you just aren’t getting what you need from it. The enquiries or sales you need just aren’t coming through, so you sit there wondering whether anyone is even interested in what you’re providing.

Before you think of the doom and gloom, there is one thing you need to understand! Many websites are built to meet all the aesthetic requirements but not to convert browsers to buyers. This is why I have compiled a list of quick and easy changes you can implement to increase those conversions.

  1. Add a stand out call-to-action button

    Every small business needs to have call-to-action strategy. You will either want your visitors to request more information, make a booking, request a quote or simply shop. Whatever your call-to-action may be, ensure that it displayed prominently in the form of a button. You don’t want it to be easy to miss! Contrasting colours will make it more visible and easier for your customers to find.


2. Include a contact form towards the bottom of your page

Long scrolling pages are the latest trend when it comes to web design. It’s all about minimising the click-arounds and telling a story. At the end of this story, you should be encouraging your visitor to take action while you still have their attention. A simple enquiry form should do the trick. One with a name and email address mandatory so that you can start building your mailing list!

3. Optimise your enquiries and contact forms

While we’re on the topic of enquiry forms, there’s something we need to discuss. Far too many times I’ve been confronted with forms containing 15 or more fields. Let’s get one thing straight. Those forms won’t ever convert. People get disheartened just by looking at them! Your visitors will immediately class them as too time-consuming and move on. The lower the number of fields, the higher your conversion rate will be, so keep it to an essential minimum. What is the lowest amount of information you need to take action? A name and an email? Maybe a phone number?

The second most important part is to remove the word ‘submit’ from your vocabulary. Instead, use more descriptive and relatable worshippers such as, book your free consultation, request a free demo and request a quote. Your conversion rates could increase by up to 300%

4. Middle of the funnel content

It’s all good and great to focus on converting hot leads that are ready to buy now but remember that the majority of your visitors may not be ready to convert yet and if you’re not providing non-sales oriented content for them, you miss out on a large % of future customers. This is where relationship building begins! Creating valuable and educational content builds trust with your visions and encourages them to interact with your brand, keeping your brand front of mind for when they’re ready to make their purchase. By educational and valuable content, I mean blogs, e-books, white papers, case studies, guides, infographics – the possibilities are endless!


5. Get friendly with videos

Videos are known to be the most engaging pieces of content. In addition to this, Google loves videos, which means that a website with videos has much higher chances of appearing on the 1st page of search. Landing pages with videos have a 30% lower bounce rate (people leaving immediately) and websites with videos manage to retain more visitors. Your videos should be short and concise, explaining the services or products you offer and adding personality to your brand.

6. Use live chat

It may not be possible for a lot of businesses, but if you’re serious about wanting to generate more leads and enquiries, live chat can definitely help.

Live chat shouldn’t pop up as soon as a customer enters your website, nor should it pop up on every page – that makes it very time consuming and not as beneficial.

To get the real benefits from live-chat, you want to:

  • Place it only on your ‘money-pages’. Your pricing pages, shop pages or request a quote pages.

  • Good live-chat software comes with a ‘nudge’ feature – you can program the live chat to open the chat invite window after a few seconds. I have found 4 seconds to be the winning number.

    By inviting users to chat after a certain period of time (a) you’ve qualified them which means the chances of that live chat session amounting to something real is higher and (b) your visitors will view the invite as a useful tool rather than an annoying disruption which is the case with most websites that make use of live chat

7. Use responsive web design

If you haven’t heard of User Experience by now, it’s time for another lesson. Put simply, it refers to how easy and pleasing your website is to use. How simple is it for your customers to get what they need as efficiently as possible?

This starts with your website working perfectly on every single device. If it doesn’t you can lose up to 40% of potential traffic! The site should be responsive to your customers’ needs, whether that is finding more information on your products or services, contacting your business or simply checking out!

8. Experiment with your page headlines

You have to think of headlines as click-bait. Why do you read the articles that you do? Your headlines must draw your prospects’ attention and also highlight the problem you can solve for them. Headlines are never achieved in one go, they require a lot of testing a re-assessing, this is why it’s good to experiment. Another benefit of headlines and articles is that you’re getting your prospects to learn more about your offerings and therefore increasing your chances of getting their business.

All of the above points are just as important as the others! You must nail all the necessary elements of your website to increase your lead generation. If you would like some help in fleshing out the above strategies or even implementing them, I am always free for a chat. I have worked with many different businesses on successfully achieving the above goals, so feel free to reach out for some advice if it’s needed!

Mina Imsi